
Search "user:cshuenss"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - After about 20 atempts finally made it over 2150 tactics trainer :/#16

Funnily enough, that puzzle was the last puzzle that I tried to solve, rated... I failed :(

General Chess Discussion - Problems with Lichess in my opinion#27

The moderators on this site are largely humourous. This is, perhaps, why some people are calling them rude. Humour makes people laugh, or it lightens their mood, if it is humour that appeals to them. …

Lichess Feedback - Premoving - Picking Up Premoved pieces#3

You can, using the analysis board.

Lichess Feedback - Ratings graph next to Insights#1

I have noticed that the line graph under the main ratings graph only shows a person's bullet rating (if they have played any bullet games). I would prefer for it to be possible to change the variant t…

General Chess Discussion - rating bug ? (provisional)#10

idk, but it shows for me: 14th, better than 98.5% of three-check players

Lichess Feedback - Computer analysis broken?#2

Do you have another analysis running? Whenever I have an analysis running, I can't start a new one until the first one has finished.

Lichess Feedback - Most popular ideas for new features#4

How about a search bar?

General Chess Discussion - Drawing a match with a mate in 1#11

And even so, you can checkmate in a K+P vs K+.... position (aka promotion).
