
Search "user:cristoper"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What happened to Lichess Database ??? They aren't working!!!#4


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Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Graph Bug#11

I guess it's related to this commit:

Lichess Feedback - How does Puzzle rating algorithm work?#2

I've not looked at the code, but I'm guessing it uses the same glicko2 rating system as rated games. That way if you get an easier puzzle wrong you'll lose lots of points, but if you get a more diffic…

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Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess puzzles#2

There is no masking of usernames; the puzzles link to the actual game they were taken from. Today's puzzle is from this game (though of course a similar situation has probably come up in many games): …

Lichess Feedback - V2: embedded studies not working in Firefox 60#1

I don't know if this is something the lichess team wants to spend time fixing, but the v2 upgrade broke embedded studies in Firefox ESR (60.6) under Linux for me (using Debian's firefox-esr package). …

General Chess Discussion - why don't more players on lichees reply to a greeting before a game?#7

I like when people greet me, but I sometimes don't notice things in the chat until after the game. Concentrating on two things at once is asking too much for some of us :/
