
Search "user:chatakkuma"

21 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feedback on recent Lichess updates#1

I noticed in recent Lichess update, there is a change in analysis board/study section where you can make moves on the board. When there is a tree of multiple moves I made in the board, originally I co…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle rating selection#1

When you solve lichess puzzles, you can select the difficulty as easiest, easier, normal, harder, and hardest. But I wish the levels are more subdivided. When I click easier, the rating of the puzzles…

Game analysis - Cool tactic#1 Black has a winning move after 24.h3

Game analysis - Hard Puzzle#1

1k1r4/p1p2p2/BpRrp1p1/PQ1p4/3q3p/K4P2/8/1R6 w - - 2 28 This puzzle was on lichess, it is rated over 2900 and I don't know why Rbc1 is the correct move. Can anyone explain this?

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle request#6

@OneDummHikk has a timer system and the clock stops when I logout but keeps showing the same puzzle and the time is started from the time that I had left the puzzle. I think we can apply tha…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle request#1

Could you make a puzzle not change when I logout and get in again? And could you make a feature that shows a clock about how much time you spent on the puzzle?

Game analysis - I made 3 inaccuracies and lost.#1

Lichess Feedback - New puzzle request#1

When I go to puzzle and logout and go back to puzzle section, the puzzle I was solving is not there and a new one appears. Could you fix that?

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle request#1

Puzzle keeps changing when I go to the puzzle section. Could you keep the same puzzle when I go to the puzzle section?

Game analysis - Can someone exlain why is this a best move?#1

2qr1rk1/p7/1p1Nb3/4P2p/P1BQ1ppn/1P6/5P2/3RR1K1 w - - 0 1 Why is Qe4 a best move?
