
Search "user:bruhmomentum2007"

297 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Candidates Day Ten: Maybe Second Place Isn't So Bad.#19

"in typical Najdorf fashion it was probably losing before Caruana was even out of his preparation." Dang Lichess really roasted the Najdorf hard with this one lol

General Chess Discussion - I need a training partner who plays London system#3

I would be happy to be your training partner if I am ever online, you can just send a challenge. I'm not an expert by any means though.

Lichess Feedback - (bug?) i cant embed games in blog#2

Your game is posted and shared correctly - I assume you are talking about your bullet racing kings game with VtkchesS that you want to post?

General Chess Discussion - Which is the strongest chess opening in the world?#23

Agadmator fans will know the strongest opening is of course the Evans Gambit /j.

Game analysis - what was he trying to do#7

A leader should always lead by example - charge bravely into the enemy with no fear.

General Chess Discussion - Which is the most beautiful chess game ever played?#11

The Immortal Game and the Evergreen Game, both played won by Adolf Anderssen.

General Chess Discussion - The simplest opening for beginners?#32

Most of these are openings for white. I would like to suggest the Scandinavian for black if playing against 1. e4 - relatively simple and straightforward opening. If not, the French is a solid choice.…

General Chess Discussion - Do you accept Takebacks?#18

I only accept takebacks if it is obvious it is a misclick. Most common examples of this is just moving the king instead of castling, which is pretty obvious most of the time. However, I don't grant ta…

General Chess Discussion - Favourite Chess Quotes#22

"Attack! Always attack!" - Adolf Anderssen

General Chess Discussion - What opening do super GMs play against 1.d4 in a must win situation?#3

The Dutch defense is also a great option to create imbalances but not seen that much at GM level.
