
Search "user:boorchess"

91 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - I will donate $1,000 USD if LIChess implements the Bronstein Chess Varient#20

Castling is allowed when the king sits on his throne between the rooks which are on a1 and h1. This I believe is tas a handicap to the centralized king, rewards the classical setups and avoids a domin…

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - I will donate $1,000 USD if LIChess implements the Bronstein Chess Varient#2 The code is already there. Easy money, let's go.

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - I will donate $1,000 USD if LIChess implements the Bronstein Chess Varient#1

Please, this is long overdue. Placment Chess as suggested by David Bronstein has the potential to be the new way forward for chess.…

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - The most awesome hidden chess secret!#1

What if I told you there was a variation of chess with over 8 million starting positions ? Compare to the paltry 960 of Fischer Random. Further in this variant you can still choose to play classical …

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#39

3...B@f8 @AllSpeedNoSkill

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#37

I fixed it but I think I lost my opponent. @AllSpeedNoSkill

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Why Fischer Random sucks and #63

Yes Fischer random is flawed on a number of levels. First and foremost is that chess is not a game of chance and has been argued as such throughout history to put on a higher plane than such games as …

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#35

@gbtami thanks!

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Why Fischer Random sucks and #59

We already have an active thread for player looking to pair up and use the editor board to create the games. @gbtami and I already played a game. He might be open to playing you as well. https://liche…

FM boorchess
General Chess Discussion - Open Challenge for Bronstein Chess/Placement Chess Matches#33

Not sure what happened there @gbtami can you add @AllSpeedNoSkill so they can just input the moves ? Let's keep this party rolling!

FM boorchess