
Search "user:bobshepard"

24 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - "Reconnecting" issues in games#2

I also experience this incredibly frequently ever since v2 of lichess was launched. I've lost many games due to that, and I experience this on different clients and with different internet provider (p…

General Chess Discussion - Idea for new variant: "Tie-Break Chess"#9

@opperwezen but progressive chess seems to increase the number of moves after each (half-)move, that's not what I meant. White starts with one move, after that black and white always play two consecut…

General Chess Discussion - Idea for new variant: "Tie-Break Chess"#1

This likely already exists but I didn't find it, so I wanted to propose it here: The rules of chess remain the same. The only difference is that after White's initial move, Black and White take turns …

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