
Search "user:bobajem"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Rating gap between blitz and classical, suspicious? #10

I remember seeing special message (done by lichess) when engine usage was detected by certain player. This is the one and only reason for me to accuse someone in cheating.

Lichess Feedback - leaving the game#12

I'm 'playing' a game now, where I won opponent's queen for a bishop and with the next two moves I won his rook with a fork. Screenshot:…

Lichess Feedback - leaving the game#2

Sometimes my internet fails (I live in jungle, so...) and technically I 'left', but in reality I even made a move and I have to stare at monitor nervously, waiting for my internet to come back home an…

General Chess Discussion - Discover Attack: How its done.... ;)#2

That's an amazing mate! Ne2 would mate too though, not needing bishop. This doesn't make it less amazing, don't take it wrong
