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4 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - Is it time to finally start reading chess theory?#1

I have been playing online chess for more than a year now. I have been practicing tactical puzzles too. I have been delaying reading chess theory so that my tactical skills could improve. I don't know…

General Chess Discussion - How can I learn to break pawn barricades?#9

@tpr Okay, maybe positions can not be opened that easily. But, do look into the game. He just proceeded to exchange the pieces, lost pawns, and then lost to white's superior pawn structure. If I were …

General Chess Discussion - How can I learn to break pawn barricades?#6

Hi, I think my advice is slightly off-topic. I am a beginner like you, and have no formal training/ knowledge of theory. With only one game of yours, it is hard to predict, but still I feel you have m…
