
Search "user:andrewWang5"

29 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is this a lichess glitch or a hacker#1

So I had 2 correspondence games and I automatically resigned- at 6 AM in the morning. Of course no one in my house was awake and these two games had my opponent didn't move for a week. Is this a liche…

General Chess Discussion - mate in#1

what was the highest "mate in ____" youve seen on stockfish? is there a cap since i had a mate in 20

General Chess Discussion - 96.9 accuaracy#12

i was only using it for tourney also so don't hate me

General Chess Discussion - 96.9 accuaracy#11

Sorry, but the game came from :(

General Chess Discussion - 96.9 accuaracy#6

Literally a 1300 got this twice in a row during one of my tournaments

General Chess Discussion - 96.9 accuaracy#1

Is that normal for a human?

General Chess Discussion - Blunder vs Inaccuracy#1

What's the difference? I know this sounds very beginnerish but I have a reason: I was reviewing a game I played and a pawn move that lost a bishop was a blunder but a queen loss with nothing gained ba…

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish 14#3

wow cooool

General Chess Discussion - kb annoying#1

honestly i feel like fast variants like bullet or anything lower than that with kb is just annoying- im constantly playing players that literally kb just for rating. please play chess fairly ahhhh

General Chess Discussion - RandomMoverBot violating?#1

I saw that RandomMoverBot violated the Lichess Terms of Service. Does anyone know why?
