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8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chessmaster Grandamster edition players#5

I pretty much learned to play with Chessmaster 11 on PC. I think that basic tactics and stategy lessons are very good for any newcomer to the game. A few annoying bugs along the road though, and it's …

Lichess Feedback - A premove should cost...#3

Lag compensation is far from perfect and already does this "feature" very well I think. x) Anyway, mouse skills are part of the game in bullet chess (and pretty much any time control without increment…

General Chess Discussion - How to minimze cheating#21

A lot a people agree that Lichess is way too lax about new players policy. Yet, nothing seems to be done to *prevent* it, because, you know, it's "freedom". Good job however to ban a lot of cheaters *…

Lichess Feedback - Why in 0+1 games the time warning is at 10 seconds?#5

Preferences/ Chess clock / Sound when time gets critical / No. You're welcome. :p

Lichess Feedback - Null move #1

Hi, Is there any way to add a null move from the Study interface ? Thank you.

Lichess Feedback - New accounts everywhere ?!#6

Well, you said they'll gain several hundred points for a win, but they'll also lose several ones for a lost. So, what's the point ? They don't do new accounts each game. However, their ratings will mo…

Lichess Feedback - New accounts everywhere ?!#4

I agree with #3, I don't think either this is a valid reason. Maybe it has something to do with all the data/statistics collected over time by Lichess ?

Lichess Feedback - New accounts everywhere ?!#1

Hi there, I was just wondering : why is there so many players that seem to creat new accounts every few days or weeks ? Quick example with this tourney I joined earlier:…
