
Search "user:WO_Schrodinger"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Suddenly, They Have So Little To Say#55

@Nomoreusernames said in #53: > I get it, you treasure lies to hide your ignorance, and calling people names to hide your fallacies. I mistook you for a little kid, but there are also adults with the …

General Chess Discussion - Suddenly, They Have So Little To Say#51

@Nomoreusernames said in #43: > You made the claim, it's your job to prove it. Now come on, where are your manners? Apologise to VTWood, you're not a big boy unless you can say sorry when you're wrong…

General Chess Discussion - Suddenly, They Have So Little To Say#41

@Nomoreusernames said in #36: > Schrottdinger, you said VTWood wasn't a lawyer, but he is. Instead of taking account of your mistake, reassessing your opinion and apologising, you thought that calling…

General Chess Discussion - Suddenly, They Have So Little To Say#34

@FlyAngler said in #32: > The consensus on social media is worth less than zero. I never said anything about social media. I acknowledged that making statements right now one way or another is pretty …

General Chess Discussion - Suddenly, They Have So Little To Say#33

@Nomoreusernames said in #28: > Actually, I am an attorney and a member of both a state and Federal bar. Where do you practice law? > > @WO_Schrodinger blah blah: > > You didn't answer the question, y…

General Chess Discussion - Suddenly, They Have So Little To Say#23

@VTWood said in #22: > You are clearly a reason challenged being increasingly spouting sound and fury signifying nothing. Good night..... Well there's a cogent statement Mr. Lawyer.

General Chess Discussion - Suddenly, They Have So Little To Say#20

@VTWood said in #19: > Clearly you haven't read my posts on other threads about the Carlsen mess. I've stated specifically that if Niemann cheated otb against Carlsen and Carlsen has the evidence to p…

General Chess Discussion - Suddenly, They Have So Little To Say#18

@VTWood said in #13: > Actually, I am an attorney and a member of both a state and Federal bar. Where do you practice law? Everyone on the internet is a lawyer/doctor/soldier/certified badass yes. Put…

General Chess Discussion - Suddenly, They Have So Little To Say#11

@VTWood you are not a lawyer but you really like to present yourself like one. You do not know anything, your opinions on how this is going to shake out are worth just as much as anyone else on this f…

General Chess Discussion - Chess. Com report published in Wall Street Journal - A BOMB#40

@LegendaryQueen said in #37: > I'll refute your B.S. with two simple statements. > "Sometimes the only way is to cheat." -- Aryan Tari > "I'll probably get away with it. I usually do." -- Magnus Carls…
