
Search "user:UnicornCZ"

4 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Propose a New Chess Rule#2

That's hilarious :D. Especially the last zh one, well done :D.

General Chess Discussion - 4 man chess#8

I am really looking forward to 4 player chess on lichess if there will be. I hate to play on so implementing 4 player chess for lichess would be great.

General Chess Discussion - Offering draw instead of flagging opponent#2

Well it's hard to decide but one might argue that he is just trying to achieve victory and he is not breaking any rules so there is not really a way how to punish it. I think that in a bullet game, yo…

General Chess Discussion - Tournaments for higher elo players.#1

I think it's a good idea to create tournaments for players with a higher elo only. It should be fair because there are also tournaments for lower elo players like U2000 blitz etc. I also think that th…
