
Search "user:ThierrySuisse"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - First QM Button: 20+10 vs 30+0 vs ?? #6

Personally, I think that 15 + 15 was a very good option, but 20 + 10 is also good, and why not 20 + 15. They both are better than 30 + 0, because of the increment. I think that in classical mode it sh…

Lichess Feedback - Bring back 15+15 Classical!#84

I'ts really a shame, I don't understand this change ! 15 + 15 was so good for chess progression...

Lichess Feedback - Bring back 15+15 Classical!#67

15 + 10 is really a little too fast. I just played one now, and at times I only had a few seconds left. The 10 seconds increment is not enough when the position is complex and you leave on the increme…

Lichess Feedback - Bring back 15+15 Classical!#61

The problem with 15 + 10 is that it is a little too fast, and the problem with 30 + 0 is the lack of increment. 30 + 0 is a problem for endgame practice (no more time if the game is long, which is oft…

Lichess Feedback - Bring back 15+15 Classical!#55

I'm also extremely disappointed with the disappearance of 15 + 15. It was the perfect time control for Internet chess. 15 + 10 is just a little too fast...
