
Search "user:TheGameHen"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - White/black left the game with DGT#1

I have been defaulted twice now when my opponent moves within a few seconds it says i have left the game and I lose. I play with a DGT board but it has been pretty solid. Its so odd. only a few second…

Lichess Feedback - I keep getting this error when trying to use DGT chess#1

It says, connecttogamestream game N7U3ZZON STREAM ENDED

Lichess Feedback - Export imported games#1

Hi, I have over 600 imported games I would like to download or search through but it doesn't look like I can do that. I can download one at a time. Am I missing something?

Lichess Feedback - PDF Output for imported games.#1

Is there any way we could have the round and average centipawn loss added to the pdf output after I import a game and have it analyzed then export to pdf? Thanks as always.

Lichess Feedback - Add round number to import game tool#1

Love lichess. I would like to see the round number displayed when I import a game with the import option. Thanks.

Lichess Feedback - World Map#1

Love the site. I was wondering if it would be possible on the world map to drop the golden strands when the games are completed. It's great though even if you have to refresh to get the completed game…

Lichess Feedback - Importing a game - Computer analysis pdf output.#1

When you import a game, then click on the pdf report of the analysis it always shows the game as a draw no matter what the result is. Love the import feature and this isn't a huge deal. Thanks.
