
Search "user:Sipo"

46 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - King vs king & rook-pawn position?#7

@achja Thanks a lot, those are great examples. I will be grateful if you could also explain the *principles* behind this ending: Given that the black king is inside the pawn's square, how can I determ…

General Chess Discussion - King vs king & rook-pawn position?#5

@achja Thanks again. So let's assume I have a rook-pawn. How can I determine whether or not its a win and how to accomplish it?

General Chess Discussion - King vs king & rook-pawn position?#3

@achja - Thanks! Well, that is precisely my question. A key square is *defined* as "such that if White's king occupies it, White can force the pawn to promotion, *regardless* of where the black king i…

Lichess Feedback - How to share FEN?#3


Lichess Feedback - How to share FEN?#1

I am trying to share a FEN inside a forum post: 6K1/8/8/8/6k1/8/7P/8 w KQkq - But I want the position to be shown on a board. How can I do that?

General Chess Discussion - King vs king & rook-pawn position?#1

Hello, everybody! I am trying to learn the theory of king vs king & pawn endgame. For the purpose of clarity, in this post, I will refer to the white king as the one with the pawn. The first thing I h…

Lichess Feedback - I get a "cheater" notice but I didn't cheat!#11

@impruuve Ok thank you!

Lichess Feedback - I get a "cheater" notice but I didn't cheat!#9

@impruuve, yeah but in my history, it says "cheat detected". :(

Lichess Feedback - I get a "cheater" notice but I didn't cheat!#7

Well, is it too rare that two low-rated players play two consecutive games and repeat the first 11 moves?

Lichess Feedback - I get a "cheater" notice but I didn't cheat!#5

I understand that, but I didn't use the engine or something. Moderators could check my history if I ever cheated. I was not intended.
