
Search "user:Serg_Dolgikh"

18 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Who likes my lichess profile and what I need to improve my profile?#27

@Phil224 Und warum Und warum machst du diese Schlussfolgerungen Ich bin einfach gegen den Krieg, es gibt keine russische Flagge im Spiel, aber warum gibt es eine ukrainische? Wenn du so vertraut bist …

Off-Topic Discussion - Who likes my lichess profile and what I need to improve my profile?#17

@JoseRCapablancaJr I am not against Ukrainians, I am against the war. The war of these two fraternal peoples makes me wonder why they are fighting? Why are they fighting? Why is there still a concept …

Off-Topic Discussion - Who likes my lichess profile and what I need to improve my profile?#15

@YetAnotherPlayer My friend, Honestly, I feel sorry for both Russians and Ukrainians, I'm not used to living in a mode when someone is howling, their war poses a threat to me (from part). And at the e…

Off-Topic Discussion - The Russian Flag#67

@YetAnotherPlayer FriendFriend, how sFriend, no matter how strange it may sound, but only zombies and old people are for the war in Ukraine, if they are removed, they will not vote for Putin and every…

Off-Topic Discussion - The Russian Flag#65

@YetAnotherPlayer Tell me, and for whTell me what it's for. How it will help Ukraine, do not forget that there are many people among Russians who do not want war, do not want deaths. Tell me what it's…

Off-Topic Discussion - Who likes my lichess profile and what I need to improve my profile?#12

Friend, it's very funny, you ask me to rate the profile and now you're saying that I have to do my job, this is my subjective opinion, be able to take criticism.

Off-Topic Discussion - i can speak every language!#27

Fine, with a translator and I can. I know Russian, English and German very well

Off-Topic Discussion - Rate my cats face#19

Inf/10, Your friend is a very cute and cool cat, long life to him and you

Off-Topic Discussion - Am I crazy? Are you crazy? Are we all crazy??#14

Yes, from a part. Crazy is our government that helps Ukraine and sends aid for many billions. I advise everyone to turn on their brains and stop helping the damn Ukraine.

General Chess Discussion - I lost to a cheater, and I would like to know who...#13

No, I'm not a cheater in particular. The question is whether it should be regarded as something illegal
