
Search "user:ST4RSCR34M"

478 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Why Levy from GothamChess doesn't play on lichess?#12 bribes influencers to use instead of Lichess. It helps them increase their userbase and thus pool of people to sell memberships too

Off-Topic Discussion - How much do you know about iran?#36


Off-Topic Discussion - Checkers is better than Chess#3

what's your favourite checker opening?

Off-Topic Discussion - gpt fail#1

Question > can a king and bishop checkmate a lone king ChatGPT > Yes, it is possible for a king and bishop to checkmate a lone king, although it may require some careful maneuvering. The king and bish…

Off-Topic Discussion - 0 divided by 0#32

@WassimBerbar said in #13: > Imagine you cut an invisible pizza into nothing, the answer is confusing: Is there one invisible pizza left so it's 1, or is there one invisible pizza but it's not a pizza…

Off-Topic Discussion - 0 divided by 0#31

0/0 = 0 because i said so

Off-Topic Discussion - most embarrassing work uniform you had#10

Glad I never had to wear a work uniform, the bosses I had didn't get a power trip from how many underlings they could goad into wearing an branded uniform that makes you look like property of a compan…

Off-Topic Discussion - now hiring developers#38

@ALucasM said in #37: > If you want to help and develop, message @mrdragon07 Want to be my personal Chef? I'll pay you with getting to choose the meals

Off-Topic Discussion - now hiring developers#36

@ALucasM said in #1: > We are hiring developers to help develope a new lichess fork. Note that this isn't an official lichess project. We can't pay money, so developers will become moderators on the s…

Off-Topic Discussion - What's wrong with musk#4

Space man bad, space man always wrong. If spaceman say cigarette bad then I will smoke a pack a day