
Search "user:Random-Ethan"

25 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Reconnecting#3

Your account has violated lichess terms of service, essentially meaning that you are cheating and are a cheater. The only way to fix that is to appeal, but appeals usually take 6 months before your ac…

Game analysis - My latest game#6

@Mehintabai said in #4: > @MrPushwood she missed a lot of things here, not "quite a few". Assuming genders nasty

General Chess Discussion - I can't improve#22

Do CAPTCHA chess puzzles

General Chess Discussion - Are puzzles worth it?#2

Puzzles help get you adapted to a certain sort of situation or a combo of moves that could help you GET the winning position. Also, not all puzzles are winning positions, you have to find moves to mak…

Lichess Feedback - Tournament-Bug!#3

Maybe post link to the game so that we can help?

General Chess Discussion - What was your first Opening?#7

Scholars Mate :)

General Chess Discussion - who is pro in lichess#5

2 Words "Get Good".

General Chess Discussion - Starting to hate chess#23

@CooloutAC said in #19: > Yep, just wanted to show much disrespect I have for the game and the community at this point. AT this point if someone tells me they are a chess player, I would have to assum…

General Chess Discussion - I'm kind of stuck at 1650-1800 range, is there something i'm missing?#12

At this kind of elo, you want to have a plan. Not randomly moving, but a plan (ex. If you play Kings Indian, your plan would be to play e5 as black). A plan is not just a plan of how im going to move …

Lichess Feedback - Where to see my followers and who i am following?#2

New lichess update removed the followers feature. A way to see it is clicking on the "friends online" button on the bottom right of your lichess tab screen.
