
Search "user:Qualm"

41 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - More rigorous fair play analysis#4

as a workaround you can open another tab where you can start another game , you will get notification for the moves in the "won" game, in any case the player can use his own time as he wishes accordin…

Lichess Feedback - (Easy!) Feature request: indication of the move of draw offer.#6

wow this was implemented!!! well done lichess!

General Chess Discussion - Walking away from the board nearly 25% of their games... smh#7

in such situation , while you are waiting for the opponent to return , just open another tab and play another game

Lichess Feedback - Help, please: ¿In Lichess there are no simple chess boards with pieces, right? I do not believe it!#21

@c24nLch when creating a chapter need to select "editor" and variant "from position",can setup any position you like - even illegal , maybe you won't be able to move pieces (because what are the rules…

Lichess Feedback - Help, please: ¿In Lichess there are no simple chess boards with pieces, right? I do not believe it!#16

of course study feature allows to show the position to other people , not only that it allows to show even the arrows you are drawing in real time @c24nLch

Lichess Feedback - Help, please: ¿In Lichess there are no simple chess boards with pieces, right? I do not believe it!#14

try study feature , and click on + to create new study you can share moves/arrows/lines without any problems

Lichess Feedback - please rollback the rating range change!#39

If we are talking about some changes , how about all those flaggers using 0 inc ?? Let's only allow 5 -60 sec inc :)

General Chess Discussion - Why do people do not play classical games now#10

@Aaron_Bren classical time controls usually last at least an hour thus require more commitment, if you don't want to wait , I suggest to join 45 45 league where they schedule games (on lichess) one we…

Lichess Feedback - I accidentally cheated#13

Too bad this plugin doesn't work well with pdf files , however they do have paid app which sounds like a great idea . Hopefully someone can create similar module for lichess to read boards from pdf bo…

Lichess Feedback - Shared Analysis Board?#6
