
Search "user:OnlyStupidNamesLeft"

285 forum posts
Game analysis - How is this a Stalemate#2

White king is not in check, and white has no legal moves. That's a stalemate, by definition. Or are you asking something else?

General Chess Discussion - A racist question?#8

@MeWantCookieMobile Sure there were several others, but for the last 30 years it's like 22-23 years of China.

General Chess Discussion - A racist question?#5

Women's chess championships have been dominated by China since the nineties, so it's not only a racist (?) but also a sexist (?) question. (kidding)

Off-Topic Discussion - The ultimate word-game clone forum..let there be and end to it.#6

Sooo, the game's over then, I take it?

General Chess Discussion - French exchange for black#14

Woah, didn't expect this much feedback. Thanks people, I'll look into it.

General Chess Discussion - French exchange for black#1

More particularly, the lines where white doesn't go for immediate c4. I don't need a ton of theory, just general ideas of what to do. Currently, I usually go for Bb4 first, long castling and pawnstorm…

Lichess Feedback - "Time left" displayed incorrectly in correspondence#1

I'm playing a 14-day correspondece game. When my turn to move comes, I see it on the front page in active games tab. But it says that a week is left for me to move, when it should be two weeks. In the…

Game analysis - Why was this a draw? I was intending to slowly move my pieces forward#2

Triple repetition.

Lichess Feedback - Disable "View the solution" in study#4

Create a study with your puzzles.

Game analysis - 56 moves, 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistake, 0 blunder, 9 centipawn loss. Am I a cheater ? #2

Well, if you're a cheater or not, it's not for us users to check, but sometimes the opponent doesn't leave you much choice except to play the best moves and even the second-third best moves are nearly…
