
Search "user:Mreizar"

84 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Is Hell on earth or an afterlife thing?#1

Well, if you believe there is Hell, which one is it?

General Chess Discussion - What are some of your Lichess superstitions?#1

Me I have one, and that is - Everytime I play someone with the same (equal) rating as me, I know I will lose :)

General Chess Discussion - 2 people create accounts at the same time and they want the same username?#18

You removed it. You even have two other accounts. @Lichess he has 3 accounts . Check him out :( @VS-Malik

General Chess Discussion - 2 people create accounts at the same time and they want the same username?#16

Y'all have a terrible humour. Also, it's said how you even liked your own comment. You're very down :( @VS-Malik

General Chess Discussion - 2 people create accounts at the same time and they want the same username?#14

"He who has the fastest network connection, gets to enjoy the benefits" - Nelson Mandela, 1994.

Off-Topic Discussion - when is ur birthday?#40

Lol @Imakeblunders4 I'm not gonna tell my age.

Off-Topic Discussion - when is ur birthday?#38

There was no need for you to add the year... Everybody knows your age :) @agnivo2008

Off-Topic Discussion - What would happen if there was a third world war#29

I thought Liverpool winning the league last year was WW3 ?!

Off-Topic Discussion - Favourite School Memories!#29

Me and this girl were caught having sex in the bathrooms. As a punishment, The head of school made us go to each and every class to inform the learners that were caught having sex.. he thought I'd be …

Off-Topic Discussion - What is your favourite TV Series of all time??#24

I asked this question the other day. Lichess needs to do better and filter topics.
