
Search "user:Mozartus"

11 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to avoid a specific observer of your games?#9

Anyway, it seems logical to me that if you block and report a user, they shouldn't be allowed to interact with you in any way. Not even to watch your games...

CM Mozartus
General Chess Discussion - How to avoid a specific observer of your games?#8

I know that he wants to see me lose because he's someone I know in person, from a chess club and he openly expressed it "you're a terrible player, you can't have that rating" and things like that

CM Mozartus
General Chess Discussion - How to avoid a specific observer of your games?#1

Hi. There is a person who constantly observes my games in the hope of watching me lose. How can I avoid him? I blocked him, reported him and he still can watch my games. Thanks in advance

CM Mozartus
Lichess Feedback - Engine doesn't load properly#4

I saw the update to Stockfish 11+ and the WebAssembly. When will it be ready to use? Thank you

CM Mozartus
Lichess Feedback - Engine doesn't load properly#1

Stockfish is not working either in studies or in analysis board apart from the cloud analysis. The engine just doesn't load.

CM Mozartus
Lichess Feedback - I can't delete a study#3

problem solved. Thank you very much thibault!

CM Mozartus
Lichess Feedback - I can't delete a study#1

I'm trying to delete the following study: Not only can I not delete it but I can't change anything either. Could you give me a solution to this? I just want to delet…

CM Mozartus
Lichess Feedback - Studies in sync#1

Hello. I want to report a bug. When you are on a Lichess study in sync with other students and you go forward in the game just a bit faster than 2 or 3 moves per second forward, the position returns t…

CM Mozartus
General Chess Discussion - Accused of cheating!!!#6

Okay, now I know, and I understand. The problem is that I got confused with the other analysis board, I've been labeled as a cheater and I want it to be removed. Do you know who I should talk to to ge…

CM Mozartus
General Chess Discussion - Accused of cheating!!!#4

I mean, I can use analysis board in blitz games, or classical if I am fast enough. I consider that obvious and confusing information. The idea is that I misunderstood the concept "analysis board". I c…

CM Mozartus