
Search "user:Mitchum1"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Engine Loads Endlessly#1

I've been having an ongoing issue on Lichess where the engine loads endlessly in the analysis board. Sometimes it's fixed if I reload the page a couple of times, but then I'll go to the next move and …

Lichess Feedback - Site Clock#1

Is it possible to adjust my profile time zone so that my timeline resets at midnight? Often times I look at my timeline on my profile and the start of the new day seems to be different than my local c…

General Chess Discussion - What Counts As Inactive on Lichess?#3

That's good to know! Thank you!

General Chess Discussion - What Counts As Inactive on Lichess?#1

I often play classical (30+20) games and switch tabs to watch YouTube between moves. If I am away from my Lichess game, will it show me as inactive and eventually offer my opponent a draw/victory?
