
Search "user:Mathmagician"

47 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Game Analysis Persistence#5

I think he means analyzing by himself without an engine. One workaround would be to save the lines as conditional premoves without playing a move, then play the lines back into the analysis board in y…

General Chess Discussion - Creating a FIDE time control...Is it 45+45 or 50+50 etc...#4

The closest to that would be 70 + 30. After 40 moves you would have gotten 20 extra minutes, for a total of 90. From then on you get 30 seconds increment.

Off-Topic Discussion - PROJECT FOR CHESS ENTHUSIAST - Electronic board#2

What about using magnets to move the opponent's pieces?

Lichess Feedback - Material Imbalance Search#2

A material imbalance when? If there is ever one in the game? If there is one at the conclusion of it or at a certain point in it? I think this needs more description.

General Chess Discussion - Hey! They are saying I cheated when I had the whole thing blasting on youtube! WTF?#22

Everyone has good games. If every NM complained when they got beaten by a non-master there would be dozens of threads like this. I know someone who drew vs Lance and they're ~1500. The rating gap was …

General Chess Discussion - Hey! They are saying I cheated when I had the whole thing blasting on youtube! WTF?#20

@Boviced a computer would spot that easily though and it doesn't look like a "computer move" (you spotted it in 2 seconds) so it's probably further evidence he's not a cheater.

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: 3Fold game result code#3

+1 for both! (I've lost count of how many people complain about losing to K+N or K+B)

Lichess Feedback - Friend accused by cheat detector #3

Lichess should change cheat detection to something similar to "Opponent left the game" i.e. Claim victory, call draw or keep playing so you and your friend could have kept playing, but in real cases i…

General Chess Discussion - Ultrabullet#2

Computer assistance?

Game analysis - The white king fell off the board, can you help?#5

Who was to move?
