
Search "user:Manchineel"

16 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How To make a Leela Chess Bot#2

Read what they did on their website and github.

General Chess Discussion - A (probably) Tricky Endgame. Can you solve it?#3

I failed to solve it but it was a good study because it didnt feel impossible.

General Chess Discussion - Who is the G.O.A.T. in chess?#33

@Eleuthero If you care about the strongest, the answer is obviousy Carlsen. Your argument is basically. "Fisher had two great tournaments, US championship and against Spassky". Fisher is not even top …

General Chess Discussion - Who is the G.O.A.T. in chess?#21

@Eleuthero Remind me again how many world championships Fisher defended. Hahaha. Only americans think Fisher is top 3 or even top 1 in chess history. Kasparov is obviously the greatest chess player of…

General Chess Discussion - rank these time controls from worst to best#2

classical rapid. the rest is trash

Off-Topic Discussion - Is Trump finally going down or do we have to suffer much longer?#4

He is gonna lose 2020 and then we never have to care about him again.

General Chess Discussion - Banning cheater with a new account#2

How do you now it is the same player?

Game analysis - How likely is a game with 0 inaccuracies to be played by a U2000 human?#9

I think in a 10 min game with no increment it likely he is cheating. But i cannot be sure. I have had perfect games in only 15 moves. But this is longer.

Game analysis - Why are so many players incapable of playing the endgame?#3

Dude, the guy is rated 1500. What do you expect? If anything your 500 rating diffrence should give you a bigger advantage before the endgame.

General Chess Discussion - Am I good at puzzles or bad at rapid#2

How is your timemanagment? Are you really playing rapid, or are you playing blitz speed`? How much time on the clock do you have left when the game is over? Maybe try even slower timecontrol to make u…
