
Search "user:MadridVol"

72 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to be good at standard chess and a variant#1

I had a big problem a year ago back when I was a good racing kings player.. and the reason I quit it was because I was getting worse at standard chess.. is there a way to fix this?

General Chess Discussion - How to get more rating if I already reached my peak rating#9

@drSabrotna said in #6: “”””> Haven't been there but I'd say just get better at your opening sidelines. Know them deeper. > Constantly train those tough middle game positions. Be an endgame God. > Kee…

General Chess Discussion - How to get more rating if I already reached my peak rating#8

@ChessMan1969 said in #5: > Your 'career'? It means like.. for my entire existence of chess on lichess

General Chess Discussion - How to get more rating if I already reached my peak rating#7

@Cedur216 said in #4: > Solution to not losing rating: peaksitting > Solution to getting more rating: not peaksitting Explain?

General Chess Discussion - How to get more rating if I already reached my peak rating#1

I already reached 2300 three times in my career and every single time after I reach it I just starts losing every single game.. is there a way to just be able to push higher?

General Chess Discussion - Does “playtime” make a difference?#1

My question is because for example, in total I have about 500 hours of play time, but I easily beat some people with 1000-2500 hours. Some people with less than 500 hours easily beat me. So does playt…

General Chess Discussion - A few questions about titles in lichess#12

@JuicyChickenNO1 said in #7: > But the account is more secret if you don't use your title; not even the staff will know who you are. I think it’s cooler to be a secret account with a title than withou…

Off-Topic Discussion - What happened to the lichess bot maia9?#1

It has been a high rated bot before, and according the description it plays like a 1900, but it has a dropped rating way below 1900.. why? @maia9

Off-Topic Discussion - Did Walter white deserve his death?#1

Do you think he was a “evil villain” that some people say?

Off-Topic Discussion - Most overrated fast food restaurants#1

My opinion... Chick fil a Their sandwiches are bland. The only good thing about them is their fries and milkshakes.
