
Search "user:LuckyChamp2"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - chess#15

@Wolf_Plays_Chess said in #14: > e4 and d4 > Are diffidently openings you NEED to understand if you want to improve. > I actually have a good list of openings that are great to learn when wanting to i…

General Chess Discussion - chess#13

I like e4! Around 2000 rating like me I mostly see e4!

General Chess Discussion - Why am I so bad in faster time controls#4

My Rapid and Blitz ratings are around 2000 so I may have some value suggestions for you. Why do you get low on ACPL in 10 mins games like you said you didn't value your time, you have 10 mins so value…

General Chess Discussion - Bug#6

I don't see the different between those! Because you still have a lot of time to think and make move!

General Chess Discussion - resigning#23

I mean at my level around 2000 no one will make mistake and blunder a stalemate like at low level chess. But yeah just don ́t resign if your opponent nearly run out of time and the game doesn ́t add t…

General Chess Discussion - which is better? knight or bishop#8

My Blitz and Rapid are both around 2000 and most of my end game were knight vs bishop. On my opinion Bishop and Knight are the same just depend on position! But I like knight better because they can f…

General Chess Discussion - Who is Wollongong2021?#3

He is top 1 blitz, so I think he is a titled player, maybe a that account is a smurf account of a GM!

General Chess Discussion - How to recruit more player to join your chess club!#1

I am a USCF certified Tournament Director, my ID (30153532) and this is first time I make a online chess club. I want to know how can I recruit more player to join my new chess club which in the futur…
