
Search "user:Karpfenkopf"

186 forum posts
Game analysis - Beginner advice: Do NOT study openings (game included 2100vs2100)#118

@Kusokosla Not everything is in books. I once had a 150 pages book full of 1.d4 mainlines. The budapest gambit was handled in a odds and end section with round about 10 moves and a +=. Easy stuff. In …

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles are really annoying me.#26

Chesstempo with premium, some bunch of software and lazlo polgars "chess 5333+1" book.

General Chess Discussion - bullet paradox#12

@LaSolitaDomenica I would have said that you could try to play 2+1 instead of 1+0. But checked that you already played that. That could be just to fast for you. I know some players in my local clubs w…

General Chess Discussion - Why are most of the f pawn pushed with white?#7

There are many lines in the french where black attacks the white pawn chain c3-d4-e5 with c- and f-pawns. In the guimard indeed black often has no fast c7-c5, therefore f7-f6 is the only lever.

General Chess Discussion - Why are most of the f pawn pushed with white?#4

Often f2-f4 supports a knight or a pawn on e5, it could advance further and if exchanged, the Rf1 has a half open file. Even if it stays on f4, Rf1-f3-g3 or -h3 is possible. White is first to move, if…

General Chess Discussion - people who wait until the last second before to do checkmate#19

@Chuck_Fess Again: Letting the time run out just before mating or doing some nonsense moves is the same behavior. You could have another opinion about that. I respect your opinion. I don't respect you…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles are really annoying me.#24

Puzzles where you know that there is a tactical solution and either a great advantage or a draw are generally not the same than a real game. And if i do 100 skewers, i will likely find skewer no. 101 …

General Chess Discussion - people who wait until the last second before to do checkmate#16

Sometimes i wonder why a master has resigned his game and have to figure out. They assume that their opponents sees how to finish them off. And if a opponent is one queen up, he has enough time and i …

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles are really annoying me.#21

@Craze But the themes come from users. At i only use the puzzle rush and review the wrong ones and often wonder about themes. E. g. today short on time i failed…

General Chess Discussion - people who wait until the last second before to do checkmate#13

Of course the best way would be to deliver mate fast and clean. But sometimes if the opponent refuses to resign a hopeless position with enough time on opponents clock one feels very tempted to play c…
