
Search "user:Jzyehoshua"

81 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature Suggestion: View Variant Games#1

It seems to take too long to find variant matchmaking games like Horde/Chess 960/Three-Check/etc. because there are no standard time regulations, you have to pick your own time controls. I generally j…

Lichess Feedback - How do you change board size on mobile?#2

Did Lichess get rid of the option to change board size? I thought it used to be a feature

Lichess Feedback - How do you change board size on mobile?#1

I just need to change the board size, I got a new phone and the screen is too big so I need to reduce board size through the Lichess app. How do you reduce board size?

Game analysis - King Walk#3

Looking at it closer, they missed 29Rg7, probably due to time pressure.

Game analysis - King Walk#2

The other player has a 2099 Rapid rating too, although this was Bullet, and there was time pressure at the end. Anyway it's always fun to see a king go Rambo.

Game analysis - King Walk#1

I don't know what happened to the old King Walk thread, soo... I realize the other player started throwing pieces away at the end, but still it's not often a king gets…

Lichess Feedback - How Do You Turn Off GameTime?#1

How do you turn off GameTime? It is really messing up phone performance.

Lichess Feedback - Bug Report: False Provisional Glitch#1

For some reason it shows my Classical rating now as Provisional even though I've played 13 games, and only 10 have always been required for a non-provisional rating. Classical games have over half hou…

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#459

@nuffsed81 What you are basically asking is whether God's power extends to the point where He can make something He can't control. However, that assumes that it is possible for God to make something t…

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#458

@nuffsed81 This is actually part of a lengthy analysis I wrote years ago on the Problem of Evil: I'll quote from Presumption 1: "God can be all-knowing of all…
