
Search "user:Journey_to_NM"

18 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Current Top Player Unbeaten Streaks#1

Hello Everyone, I am wondering what is the current unbeaten streaks for the top 5 players in the world. Along with any other interesting things that go with win/loss streaks

Lichess Feedback - Lichess shuts down system#13

Like your computer Overheats while on lichess?

Lichess Feedback - Chess Notation and Clock during Game#1

The chess notation stretches way down across the screen, I have too scroll down to see how much time is on my clock. How do I fix this? I am on Microsoft edge browser.

Lichess Feedback - lichess is now out of scale#24

Can you guys stop the complaining? Get used to it guys its not going back lol

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General Chess Discussion - New chess variant: Puppetmaster chess#16

you didnt make this up lol this was basically played during Levy Rozman and Bikfoots dual stream lol *basically hand and brain with each other

General Chess Discussion - Finding Novelties#3

why would someone work for a week trying to find a good novelty and share it with everyone? (good novelties take much more than a week anyway) lol I get the concept seems like a fun idea but if I had …

General Chess Discussion - lichess streamers leaving#1

its quite sad to see many lichess streamers leave lichess and convert to other chess sites

Lichess Feedback - Petition to add daily classical arenas#38


General Chess Discussion - Developer update: 275% improved game compression#17

I don't know anything about coding and such, but what does this mean to the community of lichess?
