
Search "user:Jemwil41"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How To Improve In Endgames?#3

@drSabrotna said in #2: > Forget videos. Play the puzzles here and tutorials if you dont know basic concepts and use board editor to create positions of similar endgame scenarios you can get with your…

General Chess Discussion - How To Improve In Endgames?#1

What youtube videos do you recommend?

General Chess Discussion - Best positional opening?#1

for white, london system or english and why. and suggest anything for black against e4, d4, g3, and nf3.

General Chess Discussion - What do you think I need to improve to be 2200 in lichess (classical & rapid)#9

@achja said in #6: > Have you found out about your strengths and weaknesses ? > You do not need a chess coach for this, if you cannot afford it (though there are a lot of rather cheap coaches for $15 …

General Chess Discussion - What do you think I need to improve to be 2200 in lichess (classical & rapid)#1

I am 2100 in rapid in Rapid by the way. Can someone also recommend me good Youtube videos. (more like about positional play)

General Chess Discussion - How to reach 2200 lichess rating in 4 months?#1

I just recently break 2000 blitz and my rapid rating is around 2000-2100.
