
Search "user:Ibozz91"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Variant opening books broken.#5

It looks fixed for me right now.

Lichess Feedback - Variant opening books broken.#1

When I click on the book, I either get a no game found error, or a 503 error.

General Chess Discussion - Stalemate without moving into check?#1

Is there a game (sequence of legal moves) that can move a player into stalemate, not because every space they could move to leads to check but because all spaces for that players' pieces' movements ar…

General Chess Discussion - Ask Lichess Anything#177

If more variants are added, will they be rule modifications (like atomic), multiplayer variants (like 4p), or fairy piece variants (like capablanca)?

General Chess Discussion - A misinterpretation of chess rules#1

Someone recently told me that when they were little, they thought chess was played in this way: 1. Pieces can capture friendly pieces. 2. A piece can continue moving in its path after a capture, and c…

Lichess Feedback - Why is lichess blocked with Screen Time restrictions?#6

It seems like there isn’t much that can be done, but I will clarify it only applied to invite links and nothing was applied specifically to lichess from screentime. Maybe something to do with the cont…

Lichess Feedback - Why is lichess blocked with Screen Time restrictions?#1

I tried sharing a lichess game to some friends that had screentime restrictions or some other restriction. They could not access the website because of it. Why would this happen?
