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188 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - What is your favourite response to 1.b4?#11

Basically I am always playing 1... c6 2. Bb2 Qb6 and white has huge problems with defending the pawn and the rentgen on the bishop. I know that's maybe not the best way to counter this, but at least i…

Lichess Feedback - Top 500 get trophy in Marathon this time?#2

It seems like it changed which is nice, people was getting top 101-500 even though they played so much games which was kinda sad.

General Chess Discussion - (London System == Garbage) ---> True#6

London is very good but you have to play it aggressively and have some analysis done on your own. If you play it only to setup a wall and not lose in 15 moves then its bad.

General Chess Discussion - Correspondencr#2

I got 200+ active games and the system doesn't allow me to take new challenges in the pool.

General Chess Discussion - Does anyone know this opening?#4

hippo setup

Game analysis - What is this opening called?#3

Yea that's Lisitsyn. It's kinda old-fashioned gambit which actually doesn't give anything for white but old times ago they thought it does. Everyone now plays 2. d3 3. e4 which is basically a much bet…

Game analysis - Any Master or 2000+ Fide player mind helping?#4

I can't tell about FIDE rating, but definitely your big weakness is understanding of the position. In first game you had good tactical idea but decided to play Bxg2 instead of Nxd4 which would have be…

Game analysis - Weird game, huh?#8

Normal game at this elo range. Black tried to play antichess.

General Chess Discussion - do you believe nxe5 works here if so please send the whole variation#7

There is nothing to believe, just look at engine eval and see that it works.
