
Search "user:HJ-707-702"

1127 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Football or Basketball#16

@clousems said in #11: > Back in the day, tall people were considered too uncoordinated to play basketball. Then George Mikan happened. George Mikan is one example of the good, but there are countless…

Off-Topic Discussion - what annoys you ?#39

@clousems said in #27: > I consider myself to be a very understanding person who does not get annoyed easily. > > With that being said: Socialism, lemurs, Arby’s, chinchillas, Amsterdam, the film Jenn…

Off-Topic Discussion - Something disturbing#14

@clousems said in #11: > Get a bunch of your buddies together, and clue them into the following plan: > > Make periodic phone calls referring to a vague, fictional murder. If anyone is using your phon…

Off-Topic Discussion - A forum that should have been made in the last century.....#25

@Akbar2thegreat You said that most of the world does not know the truth of WW2, and yet you hold the knowledge of what really happened. So, if I promise not to blindly deny what you say because of "In…

Off-Topic Discussion - A forum that should have been made in the last century.....#22

@Akbar2thegreat > Telling truth about such things is like preaching to a buffalo, that is, hearer won't understand even a bit. Now now, don't start guessing before you try. Enlighten me on this topic.…

Off-Topic Discussion - A forum that should have been made in the last century.....#21

The payment part of it all is quite simple, actually. If USA needs to pay for the two nukes, Japan should probably pay for the pearl harbor bombing, And pay South Korea for the attempted cultural dest…

Off-Topic Discussion - Zelensky laughs at Putin#16

@arbez I see your point, I didn't mean to say that nobody should talk about this, I was just commenting on how some people talk about this situation in a polite, respectful manner, and some people onl…

Off-Topic Discussion - Zelensky laughs at Putin#12

I've been on lichess for about a year now, and there were always political chat in the off topic forums, some more preposterous than the others. Are these people (the preposterous ones, not the people…

Off-Topic Discussion - Account cancellation for no reason#37

I see that, if you were really going for the disney movie, you could feel a bit frustrated. But if I accidentally put a name of a terrorist group in my username, It'd make sense to close the account, …

Off-Topic Discussion - Is Stupidity Increasing ?#10

Stupidity? Well it's not decreasing
