
Search "user:Gingersquirrelnuts"

150 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Team to play classical games#5

@mkubecek said in #2: > There is also 4545 League, LoneWolf and Lichess960 League on if you want to take things really seriously. > 4545 is for taking things seriously? That must …

Lichess Feedback - Vacation time#5

Isn't vacation time on mainly a ruse to get people onto premium memberships (like they start to rely on it then run out of days and buy more days as part of their premium membership). I thin…

Lichess Feedback - Tournament pairing rules.#3

One of the problems is that if you're using ratings in pairing players, you incentivise rating manipulation. do and my impression is that manipulation is a far bigger problem there than here…

Community Blog Discussions - The Great Eval Bar Debate:'s Broadcasting Style#10

Useful comparison. For me it depends on time. I can't begin to understand most of the positions we get in the candidates until I've been staring at them for 5 minutes. If I've got the time and mental …

General Chess Discussion - It is a terrible format to run the Women FIDE candidates & the FIDE candidates at the same time.#13

I wasn't sure, but I feel like more people are paying attention this time than last time when the Womens' candidates were at a separate time.

Lichess Feedback - Subscribe option in Boradcasting#4

Both, I think

Lichess Feedback - Subscribe option in Boradcasting#2

If you switch it on, it gives you a message/ping whenever each round starts. It's quite handy if you want to follow a tournament over a few days.

Community Blog Discussions - Picking The Right Chess Tournament Section#2

Really useful. I'm (for the first time) playing up a section in my next tournament, partly because of the personal development reasons you give, but also because, where I am, hardly anyone has a FIDE …

Community Blog Discussions - FIDE adjusts its ratings to be more in line with Lichess#17

Confirmed- I got my first FIDE rating today and its nearly identical to my Lichess rating.

General Chess Discussion - is 50 acpl good for 1300 blitz and 1500 rapid?#7

So yeah, it depends on the game and always on how good you are at chess. It's more a measure of how the game went.
