
Search "user:GennadyBukin"

21 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to punish copycats in chess?#29

@wateenellende said in #8: > 1 d4 d5 2Bg5 Bg4 3Bh4 Bh5 4Qd3 Qd6 5Qh3 Qh6 6Qc8+ is also a mate in 6 in copycat style. I can checkmate copycat players in 4 moves: 1. c4 c5 2. Qa4 Qa5 3. Qc6 Qc3 4. Qc8#

Game analysis - 'Chess insights' feature#1

Hi folks! Is it possible to download your own insights from lichess as a database file like xlsx, csv, etc.?

General Chess Discussion - Under 2700 is garbage chess#8

@RoundMoundOfUnsound btw, almost any chess player (at least from candidate master level) can create a masterpiece in a single game. Will this game be a garbage only because it was played by under 2700…

General Chess Discussion - Under 2700 is garbage chess#6

@RoundMoundOfUnsound said in #1: > It's recreational chess, park chess, trick chess, and many interesting forms of chess. > > It is not championship chess. > > If either player is under 2700 ignore th…

Lichess Feedback - My unique trophy for the Summer Marathon has disappeared!#3

@Trixster_playz and what is the reason for this Lichess' decision?

Lichess Feedback - My unique trophy for the Summer Marathon has disappeared!#1

Hello everyone! Today I suddenly saw that my Globe for the top 100 of the Summer Marathon (There I reach 76th place) has disappeared! Why did this happen? When my trophy will be back?

Lichess Feedback - That's bug or feature?#8

@TBest however pawn moves and captures aren't infinite so game will be finished))

Lichess Feedback - That's bug or feature?#1

Hi! Why game ended with draw? Why I can't play more than 300 moves?)))

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect determination of the game result#3

@gbtami , so "pawn block all board" one of most common situations where players have pieces for mate, but haven't possibilities for mate.

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect determination of the game result#1

Hello! in KoTH game When I ran out of time, Lichess determined that I had lost. But why did I lose? In the final position, there is no legal sequence of moves leading …
