
Search "user:Ferrisx"

16 forum posts
Game analysis - Your experiences against titled players.#12

All of them thinks very fast but sometimes we catch them.

Off-Topic Discussion - Where will Trump go on January 21, 2020?#44

Biden is a puppet he will ruin USA economy. Actually he is so mentally ill he doesn't even know what is happening.

Lichess Feedback - "Resource not found" on puzzle after finishing them (android app)#6

I get this error msg too but doesn't impact on anything.

General Chess Discussion - Publicly known player wins Titled Arena for the first time in a month as 22,000 battle in the Marathon#33

@GeorgeWBush WesleySo, due the Petrosian incident on chess dot com. I think we should discuss some games/moves from every titled arena in a specific topic.

General Chess Discussion - Daily Playing Time#5

He meant individually speaking. Any given day how much time was spent. I think there is no way. I mean, it's possible to set this but it's not available here. Suggest to the Lichess Team

General Chess Discussion - A Finely Balanced Battle#39

Let's finance Jerry to commentate on every Lichess Titled Arena.

General Chess Discussion - Announcing the 3+0 Blitz Titled Arena#15

If there were a ''fund'' for players to contribute to have more prized tournaments like this, everyone would put money. Or just informing that contributing to Lichess would allow more prized tournamen…

General Chess Discussion - Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence#1042

@Morozov It's all crowd based. If Regium raised 50k with a fake project imagine a real one with volunteers and engaged intelligent people. Believe it or not I own a bank (fintech) here in Br and money…

General Chess Discussion - Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence#1037

The people in this community here could easily create the e-board themselves via crowdknowledge.

General Chess Discussion - Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence#776

At least Regium shows that anyone who could make this 'e-board' will get billionaire. I'm sure some investors are aware of this now. They already validated the interest of the people to have an automa…
