
Search "user:FaulerZauberer"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - The introduction of swiss and round robin for tournaments on lichess#115

#114 I am sure there is an easy workaround for RR ;)

General Chess Discussion - Rating Deflation#1

I wondered if people who have insights noticed or expect any rating deflation over the course of Coronalockdown. 1) Are there any numbers abkut the increase of players while people are forced to stay …

Lichess Feedback - The introduction of swiss and round robin for tournaments on lichess#50

Small thought about the 'being implemented before but people did not like it': In the beginning of lichess, the players where mostly 'casual' chessplayers that have never seen a club or a organized ch…

Lichess Feedback - The introduction of swiss and round robin for tournaments on lichess#49

Great to see this topic discussed so heavily! Especially #40 and #48 where very insightful for me. Please consider that everything can be worked around. Lichess could be a collection of different cloc…

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