
Search "user:Eubo0"

38 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Modified Lichess clone for Go/Baduk/Weiqi#3

This might be what you are looking for if you haven't already found it:

General Chess Discussion - Is there a real performance difference between 1900 rapid and 2000 rapid?#9

From wikipedia - "A player whose rating is 100 points greater than their opponent's is expected to score 64%"

General Chess Discussion - Working out rating inflation#6

@GuessMyRating I appreciate the comparsion and the suggestions, but I was more looking for a way to measure it rather than prevent it.

General Chess Discussion - Working out rating inflation#3

@borisspasskyfan no... :( We have very few tournaments over here, also only playing fellow South Africans kind of makes it a closed system, so even getting a rating would be inaccurate somewhat. Also …

General Chess Discussion - Working out rating inflation#1

Rating inflation has always existed. With this past year and a half, there have been far more newcomers to chess and by extension lichess as well. This means that rating inflation is (should be) more …

General Chess Discussion - I am tired of losing games due to blindly hanging pieces and getting mated in a silly way#15

Part of my thought process (and others) that helps is asking: "What is the idea behind my opponents last move?". This should be the first thing you think of after every move. Naturally it's a lot easi…

General Chess Discussion - Simple chess A.I.#5

What do you mean by program? An IDE or a language?

Game analysis - High accuracy game with 1871#3

@Dario19503 sure it is a sizeable advantage, but it is by no means winning.

Lichess Feedback - Is Lichess going to create a dashboard for games similar to puzzle dashboard?#2

This already kind of exists... Profile -> Chess Insights (under your profile Bio).

General Chess Discussion - Excessive draw offers#11

What about only being able to offer draws when its your move so that only your time will be ticking down?
