
Search "user:Eldrail"

136 forum posts
Orgateam deutschsprachige Turniere - Ausländische Teams in der deutschen Bundeliga#17

Ich kann mich des Eindrucks nicht erwehren, dass hier eine starke Betonung auf DEUTSCH und DEUTSCHSPRACHIG gelegt wird. Ich kann es noch mehr nachvollziehen, wenn man sich darüber beschwert, dass in d…

FM Eldrail
Orgateam deutschsprachige Turniere - Wanted: Berichterstatter - Gesamtsicht + evtl. Bericht(e) aus Teamsicht#14

In unregelmäßigen Abständen kommt auch auf der Seite vom HSK Lister Turm ( ein Bericht. Spoiler: der nächste Bericht ist schon in Arbeit.

FM Eldrail
General Chess Discussion - "Covidates" - Round 3 Recap; video highlights from GM Jon Speelman#7

Question: when will we get Lc0 analysis of the Candidates?

FM Eldrail
[You can't access this team forum post]
Lichess Feedback - Bughouse#38

Yes :)

FM Eldrail
Lichess Feedback - Lichess App Login not working#1

Since some time, probably about the start of November 2019, I cannot login on my smartphone using the app. I verified that logging in on the same device via a browser (Chrome and Firefox) works. Passw…

FM Eldrail
Crazyhouse World Championship - 1+0 CWC#279

Why is this thread dead? :(

FM Eldrail
General Chess Discussion - Blitztactics Haste Opperwezen too strong?#14

Well, I did some training there and got past 50 even though I managed to mess up my 99 Combo :( So I think if you get that streak going, its very possible. But to be fair it took me like 2-3 failed at…

FM Eldrail
General Chess Discussion - Blitztactics Haste Opperwezen too strong?#8

Yeah, you can build up a streak and I think every 10 correct moves in a row you get extra time. The longer the streak, the bigger the bonus time. Still, I got 39 and failed two puzzles (one of the at …

FM Eldrail
Crazyhouse World Championship - 1+0 CWC#242

@LegionDestroyer okay, embarassing to put the wrong name there... But thanks :) Especially for doing all the work keeping up such a nice overview! Always a pleasure following a CWC!

FM Eldrail