
Search "user:Edgy1"

215 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Always the same: chess is a hostile environment for women#27

Men die sooner Society is misandristic at best Continue to simp

Off-Topic Discussion - Jon Stewart: Inflation#44

@swimmerBill SwimmerBill's conclusions would be more accurate with a higher IQ and Integrity instead of strawman nonsense. Economics doesn't care about Nonsense, Grammar Complaints, or any other ignor…

Off-Topic Discussion - Jon Stewart: Inflation#43

@Raspberry_yoghurt I didn't give up defending my point of view, I understand you are ignorant, and a time waste. Violating the basic laws of economics because you don't understand them. Time Waste. Re…

Off-Topic Discussion - Jon Stewart: Inflation#40

@Dr_Pushwood You are confusing an undedicated opinion vs an objective trained economist that understands all the variables. Of course record profits were recorded, as greed drove the plandemic. Uneduc…

Off-Topic Discussion - Jon Stewart: Inflation#39

@Raspberry_yoghurt You are confusing uneducated opinion vs trained proven objective economist - You are a time waste No reason to debate ignorance A time waste

Off-Topic Discussion - Jon Stewart: Inflation#25

As noted prior, the economy is global. The USA is a large economic player. Since the economy is global and interconnected, what happens in the US economy affects the world. The same is true for any ot…

Off-Topic Discussion - Jon Stewart: Inflation#22

@ST4RSCR34M Former SWAT Nuke Team Leader US Army, fully trained in Nuclear Biological Chemical weapons and equipment prior politics. So you are pro hypocrisy, pro cognitive dissonance, don't understan…

Off-Topic Discussion - Jon Stewart: Inflation#21

No variable is irrelevant in this case You don't understand the basic laws of economics

Off-Topic Discussion - Jon Stewart: Inflation#18

It's interesting a non trained economist thinks they know more than trained old school economists, lol. One one hand they note the economy is global, then ignore the dominant money supply player, and …

Off-Topic Discussion - Jon Stewart: Inflation#8

Inflation easily predictable 3 years ago, basic laws of economics. Shutdowns have Costs, while no production, contributes to inflation. Less supply because of shutdowns. Free government money, stimulu…
