
Search "user:Duubik"

23 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Loss when it should be a draw?#10

It should be if they can force mate, not if they can mate.

Lichess Feedback - Loss when it should be a draw?#3

@Technobladeee is it not supposed to be that white needs sufficient material to force mate? not if Black is stupid enough to blunder into mate by assisting white? Aren't there rules about forcing a dr…

Lichess Feedback - Loss when it should be a draw?#1 I lost on time but White has not enough material to mate. This game should be a draw.

Lichess Feedback - Training - Suggestion#4

@toadofsky - yea I knew that there wasn't a leaderboard or ranking for tactic training but the temptation to peek at solutions when they are only one click away has, after I learned how to do this, ju…

Lichess Feedback - Training - Suggestion#1

Reveal which game the puzzle is from after the user passes or fails the puzzle. Otherwise they can just click on the game and see the engine analysis and get the puzzle right without even trying.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request#1

In user profile when you mouse-over or click on a variant or time control the graph should isolate or highlight the rating for only that variant or time control. Currently the graphs are super messy i…

Lichess Feedback - Lost in time in dead position#8

Maybe next time @kclee2172 should offer a draw instead of playing for a win in a drawn position and then complaining when he lost on time?

Lichess Feedback - Lost in time in dead position#3

I won on time fairly. Please do not change the result of the game and do not adjust ratings accordingly. Thank you.

Atomic WC - Krasss v Duubik#1

Krasss wins 5 - 2 Duubik resigned after the 7th game. Game 1 (Krasss wins) Game 2 (Krasss wins) Game 3…

Atomic WC - Flamenguista vs NM zanbato#2

Incredible close series.
