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5 forum posts
Game analysis - Cheating#14

Yes I understand that as I see that a lot of players cheat. Maybe I'll try casual games but I'm not sure that there's is no cheating as well, I hope less ...

Game analysis - Cheating#12

If it's like that, lichess is not going in the right direction ...

Game analysis - Cheating#5

Yes but I don't understand why lichess team doesn't take appropriate measures against that ... That makes me think that the lichess team doesn't not care about cheating unlike what they are saying ...

Game analysis - Cheating#3

Yes almost all analysis shows: 0 Inaccuracies 0 Mistakes 0 Blunders Sometimes just a few inaccuracies. He began to play about one month ago and is naw rated more than 2500. More than 80% wins and abou…

Game analysis - Cheating#1

I noticed that some players (and particularly one that I have already reported several times...) are clearly cheating. But lichess team do nothing to ban and flag them. I don't understand that at all …
