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15 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What is the difference between an IM and a person who doesn't make mistakes? obviously in chess#16

@Akarsh_2010 said in #6: > umm ok this one is hard. > ok here- > a 2500 rated IM and a 2500 rated untitled person have almost no difference in their level of play, its just that the IM has played OTB …

General Chess Discussion - How do i improve!?#2

Do a lot of puzzles, learn basic strategy, opening principles and chess theory, play a lot of games, and recognize when you're on a losing streak or not fit to play. That's how I became 2200+ bullet a…

General Chess Discussion - Is there any learn tools for opening and free ?#10

You could try chessable

General Chess Discussion - I became 2100 in bullet#15

@MieszkoTheFirst said in #3: > I don't get this. I'm much better than you in rapid but can't make it to 1500 in bullet. I suspect that the OP is slightly underrated in rapid since they haven't played …

General Chess Discussion - Bullet level has gone up?#17

I don't know I've increased my bullet rating by 200 points the last month, without really feeling like I play a lot better than before.

General Chess Discussion - Finally 2100+ rapid.#13

@INCOGNITO18 said in #5: > Maybe all these 2100+ ppl should give us 1300-1500 losers like me some advice instead of bragging about how great u r Do a lot of puzzles, learn basic strategy, opening prin…

Lichess Feedback - Personal Opening explorer #1

I feel like I make a lot of mistakes in the opening but I dont know what they are. It would be nice to have all my games be collected in one place and be able to see what I usually play and what my op…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle timer#5

I dont think it's meaningless wether it has unlimited time or not.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle timer#3

#2 It's an online tactics trainer rating. Why would people cheat on it? And if they did how would that negativly impact the system?

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