
Search "user:ClaytonM"

60 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How did you learn to play chess?#8

I learned the rules early on, I think from my dad, but I never played. I'd do an occasional (once every decade, pretty much) game against friends. Then I learned an online friend knew a little about C…

General Chess Discussion - Is it really illegal?#2

Out of which 11 situations are you referring to?

General Chess Discussion - Welsh speakers#2

Gwenaigsggnh wyrrddyygg fyyeedg! Er..I mean, no. Not unless they voluntarily identify themselves.

General Chess Discussion - This site hase issue with abort.#8

Greek10000 is a symbol of the violence inherent in the system!

General Chess Discussion - This site hase issue with abort.#6

Actually, lichess is an Anarcho-Syndacalist Commune. Stop repressing us with your incorrect, incendiary labeling. Also, you need a new mouse.

General Chess Discussion - Is preference a weakness? Is self analysis the solution?#2

It's more than simply knowing a wide variety of positions. It's also tactics, being able to see a plan and carry it out while reacting to what the other person is doing.

General Chess Discussion - maybe good couter with black ?#9

If white didn't play as slow of an opening as he did, or didn't blunder the game away, you'd be hurting bad much sooner.

General Chess Discussion - maybe good couter with black ?#4

My opinion? I'll have to give it an actual look, but until white blundered 3 times in a short span at the end, the odds were not in your favor according to the computer.

General Chess Discussion - maybe good couter with black ?#2

You just post the link, like this:

General Chess Discussion - 30 sec games#2

OTB is even better
