
Search "user:Chessrokers123456"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Urgent: Issue with Swiss System Display on Lichess#9

@Syeda_Faiza said in #7: > This is not true, I don't know what you're talking about Say ? Should I say here ?

Lichess Feedback - Urgent: Issue with Swiss System Display on Lichess#8

@Syeda_Faiza said in #7: > This is not true, I don't know what you're talking about Basically if you lie here.. I can show and tell you all 4 accounts IDs which you use to gain members. Don't do overa…

Lichess Feedback - Urgent: Issue with Swiss System Display on Lichess#6

But I got it. But you conduct and join from your 3-4 accs to bring players to play swiss. I prefer Lichess is conducting it's enough and open for all You're just doing swiss to increase members which …

Lichess Feedback - Urgent: Issue with Swiss System Display on Lichess#4

There are daily swiss created by Lichess. Let's play there. I prefer you Lichess Swiss is the best place to play games. You play if you want there. Don't try unnecessary.
