
Search "user:ChessHavoc"

8 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Swiss tournaments are on Lichess#183

There is a specific order of pairings and color allocation in a Round Robin that a Swiss would not do correctly. That's why using a Swiss as a Round Robin is bad. @odoaker2015 Also, this talk of using…

Lichess Feedback - Swiss tournaments are on Lichess#143

Depending on how the swiss pairing program is programmed, here in the USCF, 27A1 states: A player may not play the same opponent more than once in a tournament. Even this most basic of all pairing rul…

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Lichess Feedback - New Feature: Practice#3

On the mate in ## problems in the second practice, it would be good to not be able to see the "best move" suggestion if you fail it the first time.

General Chess Discussion - Italian / Prussian / Traxler - Literature ?#17

An interesting book on the Traxler is "The Real American Wilkes-Barre Variation Two Knights Defense" by Kenneth F. Williams written back in 1979. Worth a look... it does have a bias toward the work th…

Lichess Feedback - Access to Study on iPhone#1

I cannot find a menu option to access the Study tab on the iPhone app like there is on the website version. Is there a way? Else, would be a good feature to have access on the app.
