
Search "user:Champignon"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What is the idea of the Scandinavian Defence?#10

The idea in the Scandinavian is that black gives up the control of the center and helps white develop their pieces with tempos, but in return black gains a solid but passive position.

General Chess Discussion - Is the Botvinik variation in the Semi-Slav just not playable anymore?#2

I am not sure about the highest levels, but as far as I understand it is playable. Though I personally believe more so in practical terms for black as the middle game is super hard to navigate for whi…

General Chess Discussion - How to take advantage of Nf6 in Kings Gambit accepted line?#2

You cannot "take advantage" after 3.Nf6 which is also known as the "Schallopp Defence". I agree and suppose e5 is the best reply, but black does stand better as is normal in the Kings Gambit. You coul…

General Chess Discussion - Am I stupid or is this a bug?#4

It is only a draw if it is not possible IN ANY way to set up some checkmate with the material on the board. This position however, you can set up some way you self checkmate yourself pretty much by bo…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle with two solutions.#1 This puzzle gives a winning move as incorrect. After Qxg6+, Fxg6, Kg8, g5, c5, bxc5, Kg4 the puzzle gives c4 as the right answer, but I played hxg5 (intending c4 nex…

General Chess Discussion - Alexander Grischuk#6

Congrats on getting such compliments from Grischuk, very cool! :D

General Chess Discussion - An accusaton of cheater#3

You did not cheat, someone you played against was caught cheating. I looked through your history, and i saw one player was marked as a cheater against you in this game.
