
Search "user:Bruschlwummsi"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - [Study] [Feature] Add Engine line as Variation#3

Thanks, making engine calculation sticky is certainly also a nice idea/feature. It's not quite what I mean, however - you'd still need to manually enter the engine line on the board

Lichess Feedback - [Study] [Feature] Add Engine line as Variation#1

Hi, I have a suggestion/feature request, some analysis tools (for example chessx) allow adding engine lines that have been calculated already to the game as a new variation. This has the added benefit…

Lichess Feedback - "Flip Board" not available for Puzzles#6

aah so there IS a way to analyze the game further, indeed. Thanks, I didn't think of that.

Lichess Feedback - "Flip Board" not available for Puzzles#3

that's not the point. The point is there is basicly no way to further analyze a specific position of a puzzle, you cannot extract the PGN either. All these features are there, they are just disabled i…

Lichess Feedback - "Flip Board" not available for Puzzles#1

Hi team, there's no way to flip the board when solving puzzles, I had this idea that the puzzles are usually based on the idea that the last opponents move is a blunder, flipping the board and replayi…
