
Search "user:BrettBix8"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Correspondence Leaderboard#1

Hi, I think it would be cool if lichess can introduce a correspondence chess leaderboard and also It is annoying that ultrabullet and correspondence have the same symbol on lichess, please change the …

Lichess Feedback - Marathon trophy#1

Im pretty sure this must have been discussed before, but I thought it might be an idea instead of having a standard marathon globe trophy for all seasons to have thematic trophies like sun trophy for …

General Chess Discussion - I’m a Rare Breed: An Elite Chess Player Who’s Open About His Faith#3

Wow, thats a really interesting article. In my opinion it is natural for someone who had a troubled childhood and managed to fight his way to the top to be devoted to God. Go Wesley!

General Chess Discussion - "Yeah, but Lichess is all casuals"#4

in my opinion ICC was THE Best about 5 yrs ago but ever since it has been declining rapidly and sites like lichess and have been ascending, ICC has been robbed of much of its fame by chess.c…

Lichess Feedback - Mention/trophy for biggest upset in tournament#2

thats a fun idea:)

Game analysis - My greatest blitz game of the marathon#8

Thanks all:)

Game analysis - My greatest blitz game of the marathon#1

Hi all, I am new to lichess, but decided to play the Summer marathon yesterday and ended up playing approx 18 of the 24 hrs, this is my finest game and highest rated scalp of IM mutdpro , what gives m…

General Chess Discussion - A strawpoll to give a very determined player a much-deserved unique trophy.#16

I personally made a sudden decision to play the marathon and played approx 20 hrs with a 1 hr break in between until I collapsed however I had slept only for 4 hrs before starting to play however as a…
